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Importing audio in bulk

Using the Import button in the header of Media Manager, audio can be uploaded in bulk from rows in a spreadsheet.

Creating the spreadsheet

The first row of the spreadsheet should contain column headings. Whilst column names do not need to match one from the table below, columns that are recognised will be pre-filled in the import form.

Available video fields

titleRequired field. Audio title.
urlRequired field. Audio file URL, Include http(s)://
descriptionAudio description.
tagsComma separated text, each tag may contain spaces.
previewable0 = Not previewable, 1 = Previewable. Default 0.
published0 = Not published, 1 = Published. Default 0.

Custom fields

To add custom fields to a audio from a spreadsheet import, add a column into the spreadsheet per custom field. The column name will become the field key/name with any spaces replaced by underscores. On the field mapping screen, add each custom field using the dropdown, click add once selected for each item (see screenshot).

Screenshot of custom fields input

Sample spreadsheet

The table below illustrates the format for importing videos using public facing video file URLs.

Annual General Meeting HighlightsJane Doe reports from the Annual General Meeting in London.,London
Information video for industry experts

Deleting imports

Imports can be deleted from the imports list accessible from the left hand menu. Deleting an import will not remove the videos that were created as part of the import, you have to do this on the video grid. If all imports for a team are deleted the link in the left hand menu will be hidden from view.